Los diablos del terror

Night Riders

Movies with Mummy

Country: Mexico
Year: 1959
Language: Spanish
Runtime: 77 mins.

The "Devils of Terror" are masked riders who leave a small silver-carved face of Satan on the hands of their victims and are violently taking possession of the land through which train tracks will pass. A federal agent, with the help of his faithful horse "Rayo de Plata" and his inseparable friend "Coyote Loco", will fight to defend the owners of the land and to free the town from the threat of these fearsome masked men.

Fernando Méndez

Born in Zamora, Michoacán. He was a director, screenwriter, make-up artist, sound engineer and producer. He studied painting at the San Carlos Academy and is considered one of the best genre directors in Mexico. His films have been subject of analysis in specialized publications such as Monster International, Famous Monsters Filmland, Fatal Visions and Splatting Image.

Director: Fernando Méndez
Cast Gastón Santos, Alma Rosa Aguirre, Quintín Bulnes, Pedro de Aguillón, Antonio Raxel
Cinematography: Víctor Herrera
Production: Alameda Films, Alfredo Ripstein y César Santos Galindo
Screenplay: Ramón Obón
Editing: Charles L. Kimball
Music: Gustavo César Carrión
Sound: Javier Mateos, Galdino Samperio


22:00 (Horario CST)
Panteón Irapuato

22:00 (Horario CST)
Panteón Irapuato